How to Ask a Guy to Be Your Boyfriend with Cute Ways

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Are you considering cute ways to propose to a man? In general, men are the hunters, so asking a guy out is uncommon. When they see a woman they like, they enjoy pursuing her until she’s his girlfriend.

Here are twenty sweet ways to ask a guy to be your boyfriend if you’re prepared to ask the guy you’ve been crushing on out.

How to Ask Someone to Be in a Relationship

You two have been dating for some time, and while you believe he is a good candidate for a boyfriend, he hasn’t proposed to you.

You’ve chosen to ask him yourself because you’re sick of waiting. Here are five ways to do it:

  1. First, make sure he approves of you.
  2. Don’t ask during sex.
  3. Don’t declare your unwavering love.
  4. Don’t inquire as to how much you’ve consumed.
  5. Be casual about it.

#1 Make Sure He Likes You First

This doesn’t apply to you if you’re dating the guy because he clearly likes you; he’s just not asked you to be his girlfriend just yet.

But before you go and embarrass yourself in front of a male friend, you should make sure he likes you.

Asking is out of the question, but all you need to know will be revealed by his body language. Watch out for the following: When he speaks to you, do his pupils widen or does he lick his lips frequently?

Meaning you are attractive in his eyes. When you’re not around, does he maintain a shoulder-width stance with his hands on his hips?

He wants you close to his groin area when he strikes what body language experts refer to as the “superman pose”! Attempt a little flirtatious behavior with him to see if he reciprocates. When you are certain that he likes you, ask.

#2 Be Honest With Yourself

If you’re unsure of how to approach a man and ask him to be your boyfriend, you must first be honest with yourself.

You can’t make up future scenarios for your relationship with your partner or the two of you.

Would he agree to having things labeled? With him, do you have a chance?

Remember that starting a committed relationship today is a big step, so before you start talking about it with a guy, you need to be honest about how things are between you two right now.

Before you ask him out of the blue to be your boyfriend, start by asking him out on a date and experiment with different ways to approach him if you still feel no real connection.

And is this a guy you spend time with regularly or just some random guy you fantasize and idealize?

He may like you back to the point where he might agree to be your boyfriend, or you may like him without knowing it.

Being truthful about this man’s traits, including all of his good and bad qualities, is also crucial.

Of course, no one expects him to be perfect, but you still need to be upfront with yourself about whether or not you think he’d make a good boyfriend.

#3 Don’t Confess Your Undying Love

Please don’t embarrass yourself and tell your guy you love him; he’ll run a mile! Explore his emotions instead, and show him that you respect them by being open to them.

The fact that you must ask denotes one of three things. He’s either fighting his feelings, trying to figure out whether you like him too. Or he’s not into you.

Don’t become overly focused on things in case he isn’t into you in that way; you don’t want to look foolish. Unless he is making some clear indications to the contrary, he wants you to declare your love for him first.

#4 Don’t Ask When You’ve Been Drinking

Asking your crush out while intoxicated may seem like a good idea, but it’s not. Alcohol causes people to act and speak in ways they wouldn’t normally.

You want to be rational when you ask a guy to be your boyfriend. He might agree, only to later come to regret it.

Alternatively, he could decline and later regret it. In either case, he unintentionally said something that will either result in a romance that is very brief or none at all.

You are prepared to go on a date because you like him. All you need is some of these conversations starters to talk with any guy.

#5 Be Casual About It

Men prefer relationships to develop naturally rather than feeling pressured into them.

He’ll wait until the right time to let you know if he feels something for you. In most cases, he won’t get down on one knee and propose to you; instead, he will try to act coolly because, despite how much he likes you, he doesn’t want to come across as desperate.

So adopt his attitude and be carefree about it. Don’t do the whole “I need to speak to you about something important” speel; it will worry him.

Then when you have the conversation, I can guarantee he’ll say something like, “I thought it was something significant, is that it?”

The start of a relationship is never a big deal to a guy, not because he isn’t taking you seriously, but rather because of this.

Cute Ways to Ask Someone to Be Your Boyfriend

It’s intimidating and unnerving to propose as a boyfriend. If you’re just friends, it’s hard to tell if the feelings are shared, and if you’re dating, it’s hard to tell if he wants to go further. So how do you tell a guy you like them?

Here are twenty ways to ask someone to be your boyfriend:

#1 Send Him a Handwritten Letter

A thoughtful way to show someone you care is with a handwritten letter. In general, people no longer send handwritten letters.

Everything that is done these days, including typing out a word document or sending an email, is done on a computer. A handwritten letter demonstrates that you took the time to express your feelings to him.

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#2 Ask Him Out on Your Birthday

Depending on how close you are, he might call you to wish you a happy birthday or take you out for your birthday.

Either way, during your conversation, you can say something like, “What would make the ideal birthday gift?”

When he asks what, say, “to have a boyfriend just like you.” He’s either going to respond with, “I can be your boyfriend,” or if he’s not looking to take your friendship to the next level, he’ll come up with an excuse and say something like, “Oh no, you wouldn’t, I’d be a terrible boyfriend.”

#3 Ask Him Out During a Game of Truth Or Dare

Make sure you’re alone for this one so he can’t get away with saying something like, “Do you mind if we discuss this later?”

The truth question will be, “will you be my boyfriend?” If he selects dare, he probably doesn’t want to be your boyfriend because he doesn’t want to answer the question. However, if he accepts, you can move forward.

#4 Get a Friend to Do It

Ask a mutual friend to assist you if you are uncomfortable doing it yourself.

Encourage her to call or meet him and tell him that you really like him and would like to ask him out but are too shy to do so.

#5 Just Do It

Just tell him the truth; don’t waste time with any additional information. You can schedule a meeting with him or wait until your subsequent date.

Just say what you think when the time is appropriate. Either he will answer positively or negatively.

#6 Write Him a Poem

If you’re good at poetry, writing a poem is a really sweet way to tell your guy friend that you want him to be your boyfriend.

Write about everything from his appearance to his character to explain why you like him. By the time it’s over, he’ll be so happy that he won’t be able to help but say yes!

#7 Send Him a Text Message

Because there is less awkwardness involved, text messages are a great way to make a date request. Additionally, it provides you with a way out if he declines.

You can basically say, “Oh, I misunderstood who I was speaking with.”

Once you’ve established a rapport with him, casually ask him a question to gauge his response.

Did You Know: Guys often become jealous when they start dating you? The main reason for this is that they are worried you might prefer someone else to them.

#8 Play a Song over the Phone

Look for a song about women asking men out on dates or a girl asking a boy to be her boyfriend.

He’ll probably ask you why you asked him to listen to the song after it’s over if you call him and ask him to listen to it.

You can then say something like, “because I wanted to ask you a question, but I was too shy to do it myself, so I thought I’d get (name of song’s singer) to do it.

2. How to Ask a Guy to Be Your Boyfriend2

#9 Ask Him to Help You With Something

Men enjoy helping women because it makes them feel manly. To help you out around the house, ask him to help you mow the lawn if it needs to be done.

He’ll be hot and sweaty; you can make him a cold beverage and express your gratitude for helping you, especially since you enjoy seeing him sweaty.

If the vibe feels right, ask him to be your boyfriend.

#10 Get Him to Ask You Out

If he takes the hint, this one will only work. Keep implying during a conversation that you want him to ask you out.

Say things like, “If someone did, that would be cool.” Or, “I’d kill to be this person’s girlfriend.”

To let him know you’re referring to him, however, be overly flirtatious with it.

#11 Set Up a Treasure Hunt Game

Set up a treasure hunt game for Easter or Halloween. Wrap the presents; one of them will contain a letter asking him to be your boyfriend.

#12 Offer Him a Piece of Gum

Purchase some gum in a wrapper, carefully open it, and take out the stick of gum.

Write the question, “will you be my boyfriend?” inside each wrapper, and offer him a piece of gum. He will see the query when he opens it.

#13 Present Him With a Journal

This task might take some time, but it is sweet, so the wait will be worthwhile. Take photos on every date you go on, print them out, and stick them in a journal.

Write about your amazing date and the way he made you feel. After the tenth date, write the question, “will you be my boyfriend?” on the page.

#14 Put the Pressure On

You’ll look bad in front of a lot of people if you do this; only do it if you’re certain that he likes you. A friend’s birthday or some other occasion should be waited before.

During the party, ask the DJ to give you the microphone and declare your love for him.

#15 Change Your Name in His Phone

In order to text your mother because your battery is dead, ask to borrow his phone. By the way, do text your mom.

Change your name to “my girlfriend” on his phone at the same time.’ Go to the bathroom and call him; when he answers the phone and asks, “Who’s this?” respond, “(Whatever your name is) this is me.

When he asks why your name comes up as, ‘my girlfriend’ replies, “Do you want me to be? I’m not sure.” He already knew that you used a different name when you sent the text, I’m sure.

#16 Make Him a Video

Make a cute video of yourself asking him out if you’re uncomfortable approaching him in person.

There are many apps that you can use to make the video look adorable. Send it to him and observe his reaction.

#17 Let It Slip

Call him your boyfriend in the course of the conversation to gauge his response. You can say something like, “When my friend asked who I went to the movies with the other day, I replied that it was my boyfriend.”

He will understand that you were referring to him since he is the companion you went to the movie with.

#18 Compliment Him First

Praise is contagious, and your guy friend will appreciate it if you give him a compliment before you ask him to be your boyfriend.

Say something about his personality rather than complimenting his appearance, as he’s probably heard that a million times before.

Since men are naturally protective over the women they’re attracted to, if you say something like, “I feel safe around you,” it will boost his ego and hopefully make him want to be your boyfriend so he can protect you even more.

#19 Invite Him to a Wedding

It’s a big deal to invite someone to a wedding because it’s typically a couple’s event.

When you ask someone to accompany you to a wedding, you’re basically saying, “With you, I can see myself getting married.”

If he accepts, you’re halfway there; if the chemistry feels good at the wedding, ask him to be your boyfriend.

#20 Buy Him a Gift

Wait for an occasion like his birthday or when he has something to celebrate, such as passing his exams, before buying him a gift.

Make sure you wrap the gift up in a box and place a note on top saying, “Will you be my boyfriend?”

He will initially see the note when he opens the gift. When he reads it, please pay close attention to his facial expression; it will tell you everything you need to know.

At that point, he will either respond “yes,” “no,” or “I’ll think about it.”‘

If he says ‘no,’ you can worm your way out of the embarrassment by saying, “You weren’t the intended recipient of that note, my goodness.

How embarrassing that I put it in the wrong box.” then proceed as usual.

How to Ask Someone to Be Your Boyfriend over Text

Because you can’t see his response, it’s dangerous to ask someone to be your boyfriend over text.

However, there are still ways to ask your guy friend to be your boyfriend over text: be funny, use polite language, and wait for a happy occasion.

#1 Test the Waters

Ask questions about relationships when you are texting the guy you like. Don’t act as though you are questioning him.

Instead, every now and then, make a comment about how you feel about relationships to see how he reacts.

If he expresses approval for one of the remarks, go one step further. For example, ask him a question like, “Which movie would you take your girlfriend to see if you were taking her out on the town?”

The discussion of how he likes to treat his girlfriends will begin with a question like this. Ask him out once you feel the time is right.

#2 Use Humor

Only use humor if you are certain that he finds it amusing; otherwise, it might backfire. When it comes to serious subjects, humor is always a good idea.

Let’s face it; if he declines, your reputation is at risk. If he rejects you, you must be able to look him in the eye once more.

It’s a good way to keep things lighthearted to make a joke out of it, and if you don’t get the response you were hoping for, you can just brush it off as a joke.

You could say something like, “I just ordered takeout for my boyfriend and I, are you hungry?

Would you mind helping me eat it by coming over?” Or, “I’ve been meaning to ask you to be my boyfriend for a while, but I’ve been so busy organizing my kitchen cabinets.”

#3 Use Proper Language

In the digital age we now inhabit, normal conversations between people are no longer possible. If you don’t know the lingo used in text messages, you won’t understand what the person on the other end of the line is saying.

Even if you speak in that manner to your male friend, you still want to watch out for the possibility of your words being misinterpreted. As a result, speak properly to make sure you and the other person understand each other.

#4 Wait for a Congratulatory Moment

Congratulatory moments are a great way to initiate a text conversation because it’s common practice to acknowledge someone’s accomplishments.

You can maintain a casual atmosphere by saying something like now that the intimidation factor has been removed. “I’m so happy for you. Would you like to add being my boyfriend to your list of accomplishments?”

Signs to Watch Out for before Asking Him to Be Your Boyfriend

It’s important to express your emotions to others, as we just mentioned. It does not imply, though, that you must immediately make them widely known.

You can easily overlook someone’s other obvious flaws when you have a strong crush on them.

Of course, we all have flaws, but some of them are deal breakers, and if you don’t take the time to identify potential deal breakers early on, you’ll regret it.

So before we discuss some cute ways to propose to a man, let’s look at some indicators that he likes you too.

They’ll also help you identify some of his personality quirks, so keep an eye out for them.

His Body Language Changes

It’s not difficult to restrain your speech unless you’re experiencing intense emotions like fear, anger, infatuation, or another strong negative emotion.

But whether we want them to or not, our bodies constantly speak about us.

Through rigorous training, some individuals can masterfully control their body language, but many of us aren’t even aware of the ways in which we reveal ourselves to others. Are you worried, for instance, that he is lying to you?

See if he ever puts his hand to his mouth or face while speaking. It’s a sign that his body is telling him, subliminally, to cover up the fact that he’s lying.

Do you notice any crinkles around his eyes when he smiles in your direction. He appears to be having a sincere, emotional smile, which indicates that he likes being around you.

Does he frequently touch you? On the hand, the shoulder, or a few light jabs of amity here and there?

Physical contact is clear evidence that he is interested in becoming more sexually intimate with you.

He Cares About You

Does your guy try to keep in mind the little details about you? Don’t worry about your birthdays or whether he is aware of your close friends because those things are simple.

He needs to know the real you because you want to be in a relationship with him.

What color do you prefer? Do you favor savory or sweet food? What does your ideal day entail for you? What kind of clothing do you favor?

Do you experience any health issues? What really piques your geek interest? What animal is your favorite?

It’s never too early to start asking your partner questions before you even start dating because there are so many worthwhile ones out there!

In actuality, we have provided 150 relationship-related questions. But let’s not jump to conclusions just yet!

He Compliments You

Guys don’t often compliment their friends, trust us on that. In any case, not in a way that would speak to your female friends.

Instead of saying “you’re a good person” to their friends, guys will probably resort to “I hate you less than the others”, or even appeal to profanity to get their otherwise goodwill across.

So, if he genuinely tells you that you look nice or that you smell nice (this is actually not a weird thing, guys really appreciate it when you smell nice), he really means it.

Particularly if the compliment sounds awkward or his voice quivers slightly (guys aren’t used to expressing emotions and feelings)!

However, be aware that guys come in a wide variety just like women do! Some people are friendlier and opener.

Their sincere kudos and appreciations don’t always result in a romantic interest.

Wait a little while before making assumptions; don’t do it right away.

He Texts You Often

We do advocate having face-to-face conversations as frequently as possible. After all, we created the Better Topics card game specifically for this purpose.

However, we also have an app because we are aware that modern life generally keeps us on the move.

Keeping the same ideas in mind, texting can be a useful tool at times. It conveys your message, enables continuous communication throughout the day, and lets the other person know you’re thinking of them.

It’s a good indication that your crush is interested if they write to you about their interests, daily activities, and ask your opinion on X and Y.

They might even ask for your opinion on the best cologne or for fashion advice. Perhaps they even adopt that style of dressing or cologne.

You should take that hint yourself then and ask them out already!

And if he’s continuously texting you when he’s with “the boys”, then ask him out even faster. When he’s out with his friends, however, be sure to make it clear that he shouldn’t pay you as much attention.

You shouldn’t each make the other feel like the center of the world. Between love and obsession, there are significant differences.

He Shows Interest in Your Passions

Have you ever discussed your favorite book or movie with your crush, only to find out later that they shared your passion?

People frequently make an effort to arouse a romantic interest’s passions.

It’s even more of a red flag if he gives you a gift that’s connected to one of your passions, especially if it’s more expensive. It might also be a sign of his preferred method of communication.

Final Thoughts

It’s time to put some of these clever suggestions into practice now that you have twenty cute ways to propose to a man.

Make sure you look amazing so he can’t help but say yes.

Additionally, always maintain your composure; the desperate look is not cute. He must believe that having someone like you on his arm makes him the luckiest man alive.

Exude a certain confidence that makes him think you can have any guy you want without being cocky about it. However, you pick him in this instance! He might say no, so you should prepare yourself for that as well.

It’s possible that he just isn’t ready for a relationship at times rather than not liking you at all.

In that case, don’t let it bother you; just shrug it off and carry on. I’ll end by wishing you luck as you approach potential boyfriend candidates.


How to Ask Someone to Be Your Boyfriend Without Asking

Tell him that you think he’s great and you want a relationship with him. He will be touched if you tell him that you don’t want or see yourself dating anyone else. Then, just ask him if he has the same thoughts about becoming your boyfriend. Easy as that.

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When you’re in an LDR, you might believe that speaking to someone every day is essential. The truth is, experts say it’s really not necessary and might actually be harmful to your relationship. You don’t have to communicate constantly.

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