What Does It Mean to Be in an Exclusive Relationship – Signs to Know

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Both partners must consent to focusing solely on one another and refraining from seeing other people during an exclusive relationship. Being monogamous is the foundation of an exclusive partnership.

Because each relationship is different, you and your partner can decide on rules or boundaries that will help you both understand what it means to be exclusive. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into what it can mean to be in an exclusive relationship and some of its essential elements.

Exclusive Relationship Meaning

What Does It Mean to Be in an Exclusive Relationship - Signs to Know

Labels mean different things to people, but one of the simplest ways to think of “exclusive” is a transitional phase between “dating” and “relationship.” On the path to potentially becoming a couple, this could also mean deciding not to see anyone else.

According to Whitney Goodman, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Miami, Florida, “exclusive relationships vary depending on the relationship and the people in that relationship.”

“People will frequently specify their terms as being “exclusive” and then agree to them. Couples have talked about physical intimacy, emotional intimacy, and other aspects of their relationship while I have observed them.”

What Does It Mean to Be in an Exclusive Relationship - Signs to Know

Another way to see exclusivity is how Ariana Grande puts it in her 2019 hit, “Boyfriend.” The lyrics in the song say:

“You ain’t my boyfriend
I ain’t your girlfriend
But you don’t want me to see nobody else
And I don’t want you to see nobody”

Common Components of An Exclusive Relationship

What Does It Mean to Be in an Exclusive Relationship - Signs to Know

Maybe you’ve been seeing someone for a few months but haven’t discussed it or declared it to be exclusive. People act differently in circumstances like this, so it can be useful to be aware of the signs that could point to things becoming exclusive. Here are some common components of an exclusive relationship to consider:

  1. You already know their friends and family. You have likely met some of your partner’s close friends or even members of their family who are thought to be close to them and vice versa. It’s possible that you got to know their coworker or that you went on an outing or event with them and other people. The person you’re with is pleased to show you off to others, and you share their pride.
  2. Plan Considerations Include You. The person you’re with may say “we” when talking about things they want to do in the future. Making plans, taking a trip, or purchasing tickets in advance could be hints that they believe you will be a part of their future.
  3. You are no longer required to keep up a dating profile online. When you’ve found someone you want to be exclusively involved with, you probably look forward to spending more time with the person you’ve been dating and don’t feel the need to check dating apps for messages or look through other profiles.
  4. You Told Each Other, “I Love You.” If you’ve been together for a while and see each other often, it may not be a surprise when someone says, “I love you.” Perhaps you’ve spent a few nights cuddled up on the couch and enjoy it when they act intimately. In an exclusive relationship as opposed to casual dating, if your partner has expressed their love for you, this is frequently a common feature.
  5. Talking about your shared future. When someone is in a committed relationship, they might see you as someone they want to have long-term plans with, like settling down and getting married. If they don’t believe things are temporary, they might subtly let you know. Another element of a committed, exclusive relationship is the degree of commitment.
  6. You Display Love Around Others with Your Partner. It can be a clear indication that you are both at ease with others knowing you are together and may be off the market if you display your affection by holding hands around others, especially those who are close to you, such as family and friends.
  7. When they are ill, you take care of them, or the other way around. When your partner is ill, you can bring flowers, soup, or medicine. To make them as comfortable as possible so they can feel better, you will do whatever it takes. They act similarly when you’re not feeling well. This could indicate a more serious issue.
  8. A Personal Matter Has Been Entrusted To You. It can be a sign that the person you are with respects you if they confide in you and give you access to their personal items or their innermost thoughts and feelings. For instance, some people swap house keys, and others might divulge extremely private and vulnerable information. These could be indicators of how serious your relationship is.

Signs You’re Ready for Exclusivity

What Does It Mean to Be in an Exclusive Relationship - Signs to Know

Romanoff lists both indicators that you’re not yet ready for an exclusive relationship and indicators that you are.

  • You spend a lot of time together: It may indicate that you are prepared to enter into a committed relationship with this person if they already hold a significant place in your life. You might talk to them every day and hang out with them several times a week, for instance.
  • You’ve had an argument and resolved it: The fact that you have had minor arguments or misunderstandings that you were able to handle is another crucial factor. The early stages of a relationship are critical because they serve as a diagnostic of how you will work together to handle issues in the future and can indicate whether disagreements will strengthen you or drive you apart.
  • You see this person in your future: If you see a future together, that’s a positive sign. You might be able to picture them attending a family reunion or be eager to invite them to a significant occasion that is coming up soon.
  • You don’t want to date other people: You are not interested in investing time/energy/attention into dating or seeing other people romantically (and if you haven’t done so already, are telling/have told others that you have someone you are interested in focusing on)
  • You’re ready for emotional intimacy: You want to get to know this person better and more intimately, and you are willing to be vulnerable and truly seen by them.
  • You’re sharing important parts of your life with them: This person has been introduced to significant individuals in your life by you.
  • You prioritize and make time for each other: You both make sure that you are giving the necessary amount of time and attention to develop and uphold a healthy relationship.


Is Exclusive Dating the Same as a Relationship?

Labels mean different things to people, but one of the simplest ways to think of “exclusive” is a transitional phase between “dating” and “relationship.” This can also mean deciding to keep your distance from other people while you’re dating or otherwise potentially getting together.

Does Exclusive Mean Boyfriend?

Being exclusive entails not actively courting or seeing anyone else. Exclusive means you aren’t in a committed relationship just yet, but that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t eventually turn into one.

What Types of Relationships Are Exclusive?

The term “monogamy” refers to a relationship style in which the parties involved concur to have just one main mate, romantic interest, or sexual partner. This type of relationship can also be referred to as “being exclusive.”

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