What is Platonic Friendship & How to Make It Work

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Platonic relationships are crucial to life. Furthermore, it is crucial to comprehend them. What is Platonic Friendship & How to Make It Work? are the questions this article addresses.

Friendships on the Platonic scale can be challenging. The worst-case scenario is that you might find yourself in an unsatisfying, jealous relationship. However, platonic relationships, at their very best, can greatly improve your quality of life.
In platonic friendships, the lines between right and wrong frequently become blurry, which can cause emotional distress or even breakup. Because of this, it’s crucial to understand what a platonic friendship is and how to treat it with courtesy. Once you have a clear understanding of your platonic friendship, you can make the most of it and learn to genuinely enjoy each other’s company, even when there isn’t a romantic component.

Table of Contents

What Does Platonic Friendship Mean?

“Platonic friendship” might seem a little redundant at first glance. After all, by definition, friendships are platonic.

In particular, platonic friendship describes a relationship between two individuals who have the potential to be attracted to one another.

At some point, one or both people might experience some passing sexual tension or briefly wonder, “What if we did try dating?” It might appear that the relationship could go either way—continue as a friendship or develop into romance.

Your friendship will continue to be platonic if you feel these things and choose to hold onto what you already have.

People often assume platonic friendships never succeed, especially if one of you “catches feelings” or misreads certain signals as signs of attraction.

This assumption stems from a collection of false ideas, including:

  • everyone’s end goal is romance
  • people of different genders don’t have enough in common to maintain friendships
  • you’ll eventually desire a sexual relationship with any friend you could be attracted to

The truth is, it’s entirely possible to be friends and only friends with anyone, regardless of gender.

Friendships serve a crucial social function and take various forms depending on the individual. Any healthy situation that is beneficial to you is generally not a problem.

Nevertheless, a friendship that involves the desire for romance or sexual intimacy—whether you share those feelings or not—isn’t platonic.

Friends With Benefits

Let’s say you have a close friend. You enjoy the same kinds of movies, concerts, and activities like hiking and cooking.

You also occasionally engage in sexual activity. Since romantic feelings have never surfaced, neither of you wants to be in a relationship. However, there are times when you just go for it when it feels right.

Even if you both don’t have romantic interests, this friendship wouldn’t be platonic.

Unrequited Love

It’s still possible to maintain a friendship even if you have a crush (or something more intense) on one of your friends. If you have romantic aspirations, you can’t consider that friendship to be platonic.

If you’re on the receiving end of this, things can get somewhat complicated. You might think you have a platonic friendship when in reality, you just don’t know how they feel.

It’s common to experience romantic feelings for friends, especially if you spend a lot of time together. You can keep your friendship going by being careful to set boundaries (and respect others’ boundaries) in the future.

Friendship With An Ulterior Motive

Being friends with someone with the intention of eventually dating them is not platonic friendship. Furthermore, it’s not entirely honest.

Usually, it will be to your advantage to be open about your feelings. Despite what popular culture might have you believe, you can’t just get close to someone and wait for them to like you.

Also keep in mind that they might not be pleased to learn you lied to them about your feelings and intentions if they eventually develop the same feelings for you. A relationship built on lies isn’t off to the best start, even if they never find out.

Post-breakup Friendships

It’s common for lingering sexual or romantic feelings to exist at the end of a relationship, particularly one that lasted a long time. It’s typically difficult to transition from intense intimacy to something purely platonic, even if you both decided you were better off as friends or both fell out of love.

You might feel perplexed by these emotions and wonder if you shouldn’t give it another shot. You two might have an on-again, off-again relationship or separate and then reconcile.

Some people do go on to become good friends after breakup or divorce, though the specific circumstances of the breakup could affect this outcome. A healthy friendship may be more likely if you set clear boundaries and put forth effort in the relationship you want.

Boundaries are one of the most important — if not the most important — elements of maintaining a healthy platonic friendship. By respecting someone else’s boundaries, you show that you care about their needs as well as how they help you protect your own emotional health.

Boundaries must be established for yourself because each person has unique needs. Having said that, taking into account the options below can provide you with some direction regarding the boundaries for your friendship.

Keep the Lines of Friendship Clear

Typically, friendship and relationship behaviors differ slightly in appearance.

For instance, you might occasionally spend the night with a friend but sleep in different beds. And even though you probably send your friends a lot of pictures of your pet, amusing things you see on the way to work, and even your new look, you probably wouldn’t send them or anticipate a sexual reaction from them if the pictures were borderline sexual.

Simply ask yourself if you’d feel comfortable doing the same thing with any other close friend if you want to get a second opinion about a particular behavior that seems dubious. If not, you ought to think twice.

Discuss How You Want to Talk About Sexual Relationships

Many friends feel at ease talking about sexual topics, masturbation, and aspects of their romantic relationships. Others might refrain from having in-depth conversations but do so anyway. Some friends might completely steer clear of the subject.

There is no correct or incorrect response when discussing sex. Depending on what both of you can agree on. It’s best to first ask your friend if they mind before going into great detail about your night’s activities. The quality of your friendship might suffer if one of you is uncomfortable.

Checking in can also help you avoid misunderstandings regarding the meaning of the conversation, such as the idea that you are bringing up sex because you want to have sex with them.

Check Your Flirting

In many relationships, there is inconspicuous flirting. In general, flirting that doesn’t cross boundaries is acceptable as long as you look out for any telltale signs in the other person’s body language that they would prefer you to stop.

Nevertheless, flirting can occasionally cause misunderstandings in friendships where there is some chance of attraction. Even if you’re pretty sure it’s all in fun, you might harbor some doubts, deep down, about just what that flirting means.

At least when talking to your platonic friends, it can be beneficial to avoid innuendo in your conversation. Try talking to your friend about it if they keep flirting despite your requests that they stop.

The Benefits of a Platonic Friendship

There are many benefits to platonic friendships, and the following is a list of some of them.

Own Positive Friendship

If not for our closest friends, what would life be? A friend is someone who can relate to you, be by your side, and make you laugh. Sometimes your friendships grow so strong that they resemble family more than anything else. The quote “I love my friends. They’re my family” is the best way to describe true friendship.

As a society, we occasionally exaggerate the importance of romantic relationships, as if having a boyfriend or girlfriend is the most important thing in the world. Keep your focus on your close platonic friend if you have it if there is pressure from society. Without sexual activity involved, a platonic friendship can improve your quality of life, challenge your viewpoint, and make you feel loved and supported.

You and your platonic friend might progress to a deeper level of friendship at some point. Some of the most successful love connections begin as friendships. But if that never occurs, don’t be disappointed! A solid friendship is never a cause for discouragement. In the long run, maintaining a friendship with someone you genuinely respect and care about will be worthwhile.

Friendship is something to be thankful for regardless of your gender or sexual orientation. What then does a strong friendship look like?

A healthy, positive friendship means…

  • You respect each other’s opinions, even when you disagree,
  • You build each other up and compliment the best qualities in each other, rather than tearing each other down,
  • You are present both in the good times and the bad, and a friend is there for you, even if it is just to listen quietly,
  • You make each other laugh, and a similar sense of humor and outlook on life,
  • You can talk openly without feeling judged or embarrassed,
  • You make an effort to stay in touch with each other, even in spite of distance or busy lifestyles,
  • You value each other’s opinions, and seek each other out for advice,
  • You’re open to being vulnerable and honest with each other,
  • If this person weren’t your devoted friend, you would feel a void in your relationship.

Some people believe that when you find a great friend, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It follows that when you work together, you are both better individuals than you are on your own. A true friend enriches your life, remains devoted to you, and stands by you when you need them.

As you can see, platonic friendships have lots of advantages, whether or not they lead to romantic relationships. Even if they are the opposite sex or the gender you are most drawn to, you can enjoy all these advantages with someone.

Improved Communication Skills

Pressure from the dating process can be very high. You might constantly worry about what will happen and when, whether there will be another date, whether you are coming on too strong or slowly. Because you usually start dating someone you don’t know all that well, there might be a lot of conflicting interests and misunderstandings.

But friendship can be a great way to get to know someone without the added stress of dating. You may be more willing to share details about things that you wouldn’t normally share with a potential sexual partner because you are aware that you are just friends. You might be able to communicate more freely and learn about one another’s weaknesses.

Accepting a person for who they are, not just their best selves, is a big part of love. However, we occasionally hesitate to be completely honest in a new relationship. But when we’re with our friends, it’s simple to be more silly, weak, or goofy at times. In this way, your friends can get to know and love the real you.

It Can Teach You About the Opposite Sex

Despite the fact that everyone has a unique perspective, many groups share a similar way of thinking. Having a friend who belongs to that group can help you understand how they interact and what to expect from them.

This obviously only applies to heterosexual couples because homosexual relationships can exist without the involvement of the other sex.

We may not learn about gender differences in health class growing up, but they may exist in heterosexual relationships quite frequently. Having a platonic friend who is the other gender can help you respect and humanize them.

The opposite sex is frequently depicted in the media as being very dissimilar to us. However, a platonic friendship with a person of the opposite sex will show you that these differences are actually not that significant.

Another person who might have insight that you wouldn’t otherwise get is a friend of the opposite sex. Let’s say, for instance, that you both have a friend in common that you find attractive and that you would like to get to know better. It might be intimidating to approach her and inquire about her emotions. She might be more forthcoming about her emotions, though, if you ask your platonic friend to talk to her and find out how she is feeling.

It is more challenging to defend sexism when you have a healthy platonic friendship with someone than it would be if they were your romantic partner. When you get to know someone on a platonic level, you start to see the other sex as more than just a sex object or as potential romantic partners. As time goes on, you get to know them as unique individuals with a wide range of complex and nuanced desires.

Whether it’s in the workplace, the classroom, a more personal or professional setting, you will always need to establish and maintain relationships with the opposite sex. Since sex is not involved, it is best to learn how to develop a good relationship with the opposite sex at a young age. You will benefit from this in both your professional and general life.

You Can Mutually Support One Another

Consistent support from a friend is the biggest advantage. Romantic partners are frequently portrayed in the media and in our daily lives as our greatest sources of support, but that does not have to be the case. You could coexist with a group of platonic friends and still enjoy the advantages of a romantic partnership. In times of illness or family conflict, you can support one another. If one of you loses a job or has a debt issue, you can each provide financial support for the other. There will undoubtedly be storms in life, so having people you can rely on is very healthy.

A friend is there to celebrate with you even if there is no storm. Your friend will be in the front row to support you no matter how busy they are on the days you have a big game, performance, exam, or other event.

Because you have someone you feel comfortable sharing many aspects of your life with, having a healthy platonic friendship may be very beneficial for your mental health.

Consider whether a friendship is toxic if your emotional and supportive needs aren’t being met. Is your friend there for you when things are good as well as when they need you? Or are they available to you at all times?

Help You Identify Bad Relationship Habits

We occasionally learn about a bad relationship after it has already started. It is simple to manipulate someone in a dysfunctional marriage, but your friends will always be aware from the outside.

Maybe you have convinced yourself or someone else that every person of the opposite sex is a certain way, especially if it is one of your first relationships. For instance, if you have always had a jealous girlfriend, you may have come to the conclusion that women are jealous. However, if you have a close female platonic friend, she can tell you that not all women behave in that way and might even go so far as to say that the level of jealousy in your relationship is unhealthy.

Also, if you’re in a new relationship, a friend may be more honest with you than a lover. An annoying or strange behavior will be more quickly pointed out by a friend. You can get an honest, close friend’s opinion on why they think your relationships are failing if you notice that they keep failing. And don’t take offense if they reply that way! A true friend is there to support you, give you advice, and provide information you might not otherwise get.


Imagine you are a woman drinking with your best male friend in a bar. You see a man in the distance that you find attractive. He could be funny, odd, or single—you’re not sure. You really have no knowledge of him. But if you approach him alone, you run the risk of rejection or, worse, finding out that he’s a complete creep. Not to mention that the moment you approach him, the pressure is on, and you both will probably adopt a false persona in an effort to impress the other.

Your best friend is asked to speak with him first, you say. He approaches the man and strikes up a casual dialog with him. He gets to know this person through friendship, without the pressure that comes with approaching a person of a different sex in a bar. The man is happily married, according to your best friend, who just happened to be out for a leisurely night with some friends. Your male friend just gave you the opportunity to meet people who might be genuinely interested without having to endure the humiliation of being rejected by a complete stranger at the bar.

Furthermore, even if you aren’t interested in a romantic relationship with your platonic friend, they can introduce you to their friends. They can speak highly of you and recommend you to their friends. The phone numbers and other contact details of men or women who you are interested in can be obtained by your platonic friend, who can then give them to you. A low-pressure event where strangers can get to know each other could be planned by your platonic friend, who could invite all of his or her friends to hang out with all of your friends.

It can be stressful to approach someone when you’re dating. Nobody wants to reject someone, or to have to reject someone. Possibilities are greatly increased and dating can be made much simpler for everyone involved when you have a close friend who is the other sex.

Keep An Eye Out for Potential Challenges Or Dangers

Any friendship may occasionally encounter difficulties. You can avoid them by being aware of problems that arise frequently in platonic friendships. Even if you can’t completely stop them, you’ll at least be better prepared to deal with them effectively.

Avoid Getting Too Comfortable Around Each Other

Most friends generally avoid things like:

  • sleeping in the same bed regularly
  • casually hugging or touching beyond greetings
  • cuddling while watching TV

Again, there are different types of friendships, so some relationships may appear very private to outsiders. If you’ve known your best friend since you were two years old, changing clothes in front of them might feel completely natural.

Context can also be significant. There might not be any misunderstandings or mixed signals if a group of friends go skinny dipping together in public. Sexual tension could arise if two people acting in the same way when they are alone.

Keep It Honest

If you ever come to the realization that your relationship with them is more romantic, think about telling them.

Concerning the friendship ending, you might be anxious. That can, regrettably, occur. However, many adults are able to respond to romantic revelations in a healthy way. Discussing your emotions could even improve your relationship.

Alternatively, burying them could lead to feelings of resentment and jealousy when your friend starts dating someone else.

Here is a different strategy to try if you don’t feel like telling them right away: Establish some temporary distance and watch to see if the feelings naturally pass.

Platonic Friendship

Don’t Skimp on Communication

Most healthy friendships are characterized by open communication. Though you don’t have to discuss every aspect of your life, having meaningful conversations that go beyond the usual small talk can strengthen your friendship and help you clear up any miscommunications before they become serious.

Again, if your feelings toward your friend change, talking through those feelings early on usually produces better results than avoiding them.

Similar to this, asking your friend directly can help them feel more comfortable opening up if you start to suspect they might have romantic feelings for you.

If they deny it, explain how you got that impression; otherwise, take them at their word unless they provide a compelling argument. Doubt that is not necessary can also be detrimental to your friendship.

A strong sense of trust would underpin every romantic relationship in a perfect world. But since nobody is perfect, even partners who trust one another occasionally harbor feelings of suspicion and jealousy.

Sometimes platonic friendships do shift into romance. Thus, despite the fact that to you their concerns may seem unwarranted, they are actually pretty common, especially if you two have been friends for some time before they started dating you.

You can maintain both relationships with the help of these suggestions.

Don’t Diminish Your Friendship

If your friend and you get along well, you might be tempted to downplay how close you are to your partner. However, this might backfire.

One reason is that they might find it difficult to trust you again if they learn that you weren’t completely honest with them.

They might also wonder else would you keep hanging out with someone you say you “don’t even like all that much.”

Keep Your Partner Informed

Fudge the truth about your hangouts if you don’t want your partner to think that you are too close with your friends.

The urge to embellish or lie should be resisted. Dishonesty erodes confidence. You might feel bad later even if they don’t catch you in a lie. Other, more subtle ways that guilt can harm your relationship exist.

However, being open with others demonstrates that you have nothing to conceal. Even after you’ve always been completely honest with them, your partner may still harbor deep-seated trust issues that they need to resolve.

Spend Time in a Group

Invite your partner to join you the next time you hang out with your friend.

This can help them:

  • feel less excluded
  • get to know your friend
  • see the nature of your friendship for themselves

So, think about having a group dinner or watching a movie you all like.

Maintain a Balance

You sometimes really need to be there for your friends. When dealing with a challenging situation, your partner might require assistance at other times. Sometimes you’ll need to put one relationship ahead of the other.

The key is to avoid consistently ignoring one bond. Although they play different roles in your life, romantic relationships and friendships are both crucial.

Though being available whenever someone needs you may not always be possible, try to strike a balance rather than spending the majority of your free time on either one.

Be on the lookout for warning signs in this area as well, such as a partner who may be attempting to guilt-trip or otherwise coerce you into spending time with them rather than your friend, or vice versa.

Women and Platonic Friendship

When it comes to women being “attracted” to men, there is some debate on how much looks matter in sexual relationships versus personality or other factors. The conventional wisdom holds that women are more likely to value personality than physical attractiveness when searching for a life partner. Although appearances may play a role, it’s also important to make her laugh and come across as sympathetic and kind.

When a woman is already in a relationship, she frequently seeks advice from her male friends. Though, this is when things can turn dangerous and potentially lead to the woman asking herself: “why can’t my boyfriend be more like you?”

However, it is frequently simpler for the woman to maintain a platonic friendship or relationship because all she wants is sound advice and engaging conversation. She turns to her platonic friend for comradery, not romance or sexual feelings, so it doesn’t matter that he is unable to provide for her financially or that he wouldn’t be a good father to her children (or even be interested in having children).

Men and Platonic Friendship

In contrast, men may experience emotional difficulties in a positive platonic friendship. This is due to the fact that men are typically drawn to women based on their appearance. They are motivated to learn as much as they can about a woman because they have a sexual desire for her, and this eventually causes him to fall in love with her.

Being platonic friends with a woman may be more difficult for a man because men are naturally drawn to women who will make good partners. Everything is about attraction. It ceases to be platonic when one close friend develops feelings for the other, regardless of who experiences feelings or a friend crush first. Things turn from being platonic to a developing romance if the friends have to set boundaries for their friendship or if one of them keeps telling themselves they are okay with keeping things the same when they want more.

Boundaries of Platonic Friendship

Don’t engage in physical contact beyond casual intimacy (i.e., avoid things like handholding, kissing, or “friends-with-benefits” situations) Avoid leaving your partner to hang out with your platonic friend. Do not keep your partner in the dark about your platonic relationship. Let each other have plenty of room.

Platonic Relationship Vs Friendship

A platonic relationship is one with no romantic or sexual features, but it means more than “just friends.” The bond that we experience when we recognize the positive qualities in another person that we feel complete us, according to the ancient philosopher Plato, for whom the concept is named, is a form of love.

Signs of Platonic Friendship

1. You Are Always There for Each Other

Being there for each other no matter how demanding or busy your schedule may be is one of the many indications that you’ve found a platonic soulmate. You can always count on them to pick up the phone when you call and to be a supportive or listening ear.

Or perhaps you just need some time to think about something in your life. When you need it, they’ll give you the room you need, and when you’re ready, they’ll be there. They will support you if you are going through a difficult or complicated situation. Platonic soulmates anticipate your needs and provide them without your need to ask.

2. You Two Have Your Own Language

You and your platonic soulmate have developed a unique language comprised of movie or television quotes, humorous sayings, and made-up words that only the two of you understand the meanings of. If someone else were listening in on your conversation, they might need an interpreter. On the other hand, talking to your platonic soul mate is simple because you don’t need to explain your favorite movie quotes or your position in a given conversation to anyone. As a result, communicating with them and having them communicate with you is simple.

3. You Get Each Other’s Humor

Asking someone to explain your joke is the only thing worse than them not laughing at it. With your platonic soulmate, it’s different. You can tell that they are amused by you. Before you’ve even finished, they’ll be laughing at your joke.

They are constantly amused by your funniest jokes. They are always able to understand your humor. Whether the joke is funny or not, your platonic soul mate will always laugh heartily with you.

4. You Can Sit in Silence and It Not Be Awkward

There’s never a problem with silence in your relationship. Long stretches of silence can be awkward and uncomfortable when you spend a lot of time with other people. Not with your platonic soul mate!

Even in the midst of silence, everything feels at ease and right. There is never a need to talk or chat incessantly to fill the silence. Simply being in each other’s presence makes you both happy and content.

5. You Can Always Be Yourself

No matter how goofy, or annoying, or messy you feel, you can always be yourself! You never feel the need to modify your personality, sense of humor, or musical preferences. You can act however foolishly you want.

They wouldn’t ever say anything negative about you or your changing your identity. You are liked for you! Since being who you are is what first drew the two of you together, they don’t want you to change.

6. You Help Each Other Grow and Learn

There is still much to learn from each other since you both come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. There is always something to learn from each other, even if you are platonic soulmates and have a lot in common.

They are always there with a wise word or an answer you hadn’t previously thought of, no matter what you are going through in life. By simply being in each other’s lives, you both develop.

7. You Support Each Other through Thick and Thin

A friendship’s ability to endure difficult times is frequently a deciding factor. Not with a platonic soulmate, please! No matter how difficult things may be for either one of you or both of you, you always support one another.

Life is difficult; there are frequent job and relationship changes, aging parents, and money problems. Nevertheless, you are confident that they will stick by you through thick and thin.

When you tell them about good news, it’s even more amazing, and when you tell them about bad news, it’s never as bad as it seems because they’re always there to encourage and support you. A platonic soulmate will typically be more thrilled for you than you are for yourself, which is a telltale sign! As it should be!

8. You Never Feel Judged

You know, your platonic soulmate will always have your back, regardless of how much you’ve screwed up or what jam you’ve gotten yourself into. Nothing is too awkward or challenging to share. Sharing the unpleasant aspects of your life is something you feel at ease doing.

9. You Came into Each Other’s Life at the Right Time

It appeared as though destiny had brought you two together at the ideal time in each of your lives. Later, you come to understand that they came into your life just when you needed them and that you couldn’t imagine life without them.

They could have been mentors who came along at the ideal time or people who had a lesson to impart. And you might have done the same for them!

10. You Are Each Other’s Number One Cheerleader

You can’t wait to tell your platonic soulmate about exciting events in your life! They are the first person to applaud for you as you watch life unfold.

There has never been a jealousy or unhealthy competitiveness problem in your relationship, despite the fact that you are both naturally competitive. You are completely unaware of the possibility.

11. You Have the Same Taste in Food

You don’t even need to ask them what they like if you plan a meal or arrive at the restaurant first. You are already aware of what to order, how their burger should be prepared, and that they always prefer their salad dressing on the side. Since they dislike crab as well, you won’t ever have to worry that they’ll make crab cakes when you visit for dinner.

12. You Always Have Something to Talk About

With your platonic soul mate, you never run out of topics to discuss. Because there is just so much you both want to say, you probably even have a list of topics you want to discuss before you meet!

No matter how small and unimportant something may seem to other people in your life, you share everything. even if you dropped your coffee while commuting to work!

13. You Never Feel Alone

You feel a sense of acceptance and belonging when you’re connected to your platonic soulmate. Thus, you never experience a sense of alienation or loneliness in life. Your relationship provides you with the security and comfort you need to feel at home wherever you are in the world.

14. You Know Everything About Each Other

You and your platonic soulmate know everything about one another, but in a good way! As a gift, you never buy them something they already own, and you always anticipate their needs.

You are familiar with all of their embarrassing high school anecdotes and prom date choices. Knowing someone so well—and having them know you—is consoling.

15. You Get Asked Why You Two Aren’t Dating

Your friends and family may frequently inquire as to your lack of romantic involvement if your platonic soulmate is a person of the opposite sex. It’s only natural to assume that since you and your platonic soulmate are so closely connected and get along so well. You don’t feel that way about each other, though.

You have to keep telling them that you’re not romantically attracted to each other, and you actually tend to cringe when you think about it. That is an indication that the person you are dating is your platonic soul mate!

16. You Feel Like Their Family is Your Family and Vice Versa

Their dad assisted you in moving into your previous apartment, and your grandma always sends them a card and some cash on their birthday. It’s like celebrating holidays and birthdays with a large family.

No matter how strange your family may be, you know that your platonic soulmate also views them as family. You are recognized as a package deal by both of your families!

17. You Feel at Ease Around Them

In the presence of your platonic soulmate, you never feel stressed or anxious. Instead, there’s always a sense of peace and acceptance. You accept each other’s shortcomings and failures because you both know that you are more valuable than what the outside world can see. In a chaotic world, they provide a haven of safety.

18. You Always Make Time for Each Other

You prioritize spending time together and are confident that they will always be reachable by phone, text, or Uber. So you know you will never go alone if either of you needs to just chat, run errands, or visit your mom in the hospital.

You are confident that the other person will support you at all times. The special bond between platonic soulmates is made possible by the valuable gift of time that they share with one another. You feel important and a priority as a result, which is what should happen!

19. You Never Question Their Loyalty

No matter what happens, you know your platonic soulmate has your back. You might have people talk about you behind your back or have people not understand something you go through. They’d never say anything untrue about you. Even when the other person isn’t present, you always defend each other.

20. You Know Distance is Never An Issue

With your platonic soulmate, distance has never been a problem and never will be. For anything to happen between you two, your connection is too strong.

You are aware that you both schedule your weekends and vacations so that you can meet up in the middle or travel separately. Nothing can separate you from your long-distance platonic soulmate if distance doesn’t stand in your way!

21. You Feel a Piece of You is Missing When You Are Apart

Life seems to lack something when they are gone, whether it is for a short while or several weeks. No matter how much time has passed since you last saw each other, you probably exchange numerous texts, emails, and FaceTimes.

You may also exchange postcards and snail mail, depending on how far apart they are from you and how long it has been since you last saw them.


A special kind of bonding relationship is a platonic soulmate relationship. It is possible to feel a strong connection and sense of understanding without being romantically involved with someone. Remember, a platonic soulmate is not a friend with benefits, someone either of you has friend-zoned, a rebound, or a crush.

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